Dr. Everett Worthington: Ev Remembers 1974 to 2017

Dr. Everett Worthington presents a retrospective look at his professional career and personal experiences to the Positive Psychology Research Group at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Dr. Worthington studies (1) forgiveness and related constructs (such as justice, humility, and mercy) and the REACH Forgiveness intervention (which has 22 outcome studies from many labs supporting its efficacy), (2) religion and spirituality in counseling and marriage, especially (but not exclusively) Christianity, and (3) the Hope-Focused Couple Approach to marriage/couple enrichment, which has been adjudicated as one of four having enough evidence to merit a designation of empirically supported. Many publications combine two or three of these topics. All would fit under a general heading of Positive Psychology today. Thus, his research lab is the Positive Psychology Research Group.