Watch Out! Midterms Are Coming!


cobe-midterms-1024x577Written By
Helena Smith of Active Minds at VCU

Are you experiencing anxiety about the big, mean midterms coming soon? Don’t worry! Here are some ideas to help you ace each test.

Pro Tip: Start this process a week in advance to give yourself time and not cut corners.

  1. Go out, spend time with friends and have fun. Get loose, enjoy the moment and stay safe.
  2. Take the best nap of your life on Sunday, and take a moment to think quietly about mindfulness and your goals for that week.
  3. On Monday, divide the sections you need to study into five parts in order to pace yourself. Go to the library first and get comfortable.
  4. Tuesday, go upstairs in the Student Commons and study outside the Salons Rooms. Don’t forget to grab some brain food.
  5. Wednesday, sit under the stairs or next to the widows in University College Hall with a cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage to help get you through “Hump Day.”
  6. Thursday, go outside to the lawn or sidewalk as you are approaching the preparation finish line. Complete your final section and review with classmates or suitemates. Make a game for every answer answered incorrectly and find ways to creatively reinforce your studying.

You made it! Now it is time to recognize all of the hard work you’ve done and confidently conquer your midterm exam! Good luck and make it real!

How do you get ready for a big exam? Do you have any suggestions to add to this list?
Share them with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @VCUCOBE

Active Minds at VCU seeks to raise awareness of mental health & also provide students with resources & skills to lead a mentally healthy life.
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